Chiron Consulting
Trainers & Providers of Individual, Couple & Family Therapy in Stratford

Short Courses

Short Courses #01

Introduction to relationship counselling

“You don’t develop courage by being happy
in your relationships everyday; you develop it by surviving difficult
times and challenging adversity”.
Epicurus 341BC – 271BC

Couples often seek counselling at a time when they think their relationship is in crisis. This course, delivered over 12 weeks is aimed at practitioners who already work with couples, as well as those who are looking for an introductory course on working with couple relationships. Its strength is that it is practice focused.

Life Coaching – The Process Of Re-Authoring Lives

Short Courses #02

A request for life-coaching can be seen as an invitation to help a person re-author his or her life.

The process of re-authoring, in a coaching context, offers a way of highlighting alternative identities.

This is a practice based course delivered in 6 half-days over a period of 12 weeks.

It offers anyone with an interest in a career as a life-coach – or who is already ‘growing’ their practice – opportunities to learn techniques and skills that have a solid base in narrative theory.

Please click here to request more details or to discuss your general requirements.

Please click here if you would like to apply.

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