Chiron Consulting
Trainers & Providers of Individual, Couple & Family Therapy in Stratford

Individual therapy

There are many reasons why you might chose to come for counselling or psychotherapy.

Individual therapy #01

Some people have told us they are unhappy with their lives. They worry that they keep on making the same choices in romantic relationships and end up being disappointed.

Others describe feeling isolated. Sometimes they experience this as sense of not belonging which they connect to:

  • having been adopted
  • their sexuality or race
  • experience of childhood abuse

They may use words like: “I’m having panic attacks”, “I’m depressed”, “I have an eating problem” “I have a drinking problem” “I don’t know what’s wrong with me but.....”

If you came to see us and said any of those things we would want to explore your understanding of how you had arrived at the place you are in your life. We would ask who agreed with some of the descriptions you give about yourself. Our curiosity would include finding out what you had done to change the things you were unhappy with and your beliefs about what made change difficult.

Please click here to request more details or to arrange a session with a therapist.

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